QJackMMC is a Qt based program that can connect to a device or program that emits MIDI Machine Control (MMC) and allow it to drive JACK transport, which in turn can control other programs like Ardour, Hydrogen, and Rosegarden. JackCtlMMC is a slightly simpler command-line version of QJackMMC.

Version 4 adds several new features including a nearly-full rewrite of QJackMMC. New features include:

- Jack MIDI support (optional)
- Autoconf support for easy configuration / packaging
- "Always listening" rewrite for QJackMMC
- Message area within QJackMMC to view any incoming MMC messages
- Lash support is now optional
- Cleaner and clearer interface

The project page / FAQ is here: http://jackctlmmc.sourceforge.net/
Direct download link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jackctlmmc/files/jackctlmmc/version%204/jackctlmmc-4.tar.gz/download

-- The MMC team