WallTime RLM. Refactored the 'rlm_walltime' RLM to be compatible with
v1.1.0 firmware.
Create Database Bug Fix. Fixed a bug in database creation that caused
incompatibility with MySQL InnoDB tables.
WAV Format Change. Implemented a workaround in WAV file generation
to avoid compatibility issues with certain proprietary audio editors.
LiveWire Multicast GPIO Driver. Added the ability to generate GPO
Web API. Added 'CREATE' and 'GROUP_NAME' parameters to the 'Import'
Various other bug fixes. See the ChangeLog for details.
Database Update:
This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 259, and will
automatically upgrade any earlier versions. To see the current schema
version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.
As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow
any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.