Radium is a vertical music editor. Radium is inspired by trackers, but uses more graphics to show musical data. Radium also supports MIDI sequencing and hard disk recording.

Radium has features like smooth scrolling, zooming, automation, piano roll, embedded Pure Data (Pd), and embedded Faust.

Homepage: http://users.notam02.no/~kjetism/radium/

A classic 8 bit 4 channel tracker module (from 1991) played in Radium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ6NnzZtAqQ

Demonstration video by Tobias Lutzenkirchen showing some of the features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhwmT0G5EwM

Demonstration video showing developing Faust programs inside Radium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJm9Lox1WFA

Changes between 4.4.4 and 4.6.0:
* Editor: Several interface improvements and better scrolling performance.
* Mixer: Several GUI improvements and faster graphics rendering.
* GUI: Window configuration improvements.
* Mixer: Options to show 1, 2, or 3 mixer strip rows.
* Sequencer: Option to show bar numbers instead of time in the timeline.
* Audio: Workaround to prevent some OpenGL plugins from crashing.
* 104 other smaller bug fixes and new features.