On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce the availability of Rivendell v2.17.0.  Rivendell is a full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License.

From the NEWS file:
*** snip snip ***
   New RML. Added the 'Air Gate' ['AG'] RML to permit conditional execution
   of RML on the basis of the status of the On-Air flag.

   New Icons. Implemented a new icon set, with individualized icons for
   each Rivendell module. A big thanks to Josh Edelstein <edelsteinj@rfa.org>
   for the artwork!

   User Authentication. It is now possible to configure RDLogin to require
   entry of the user-name, rather than picking the name off of a list. See
   the 'Show User List in RDLogin' checkbox in RDAdmin->SystemSettings.

   New Switcher/GPIO Devices. Support has been added for the following
   Switcher/GPIO devices:
      Broadcast Tools Universal 4.1 MLR>>Web Switcher
      WheatNet LIO
      WheatNet SLIO

   Dropbox Enhancements. Added the ability to force imports to be imported
   as mono, as well as the ability to reset an individual dropbox.

   Log Rendering (EXPERIMENTAL). It is now possible to 'render' a log as a
   single audio object (file or cart/cut) without the need to play it out
   while capturing the audio in realtime. Render support is available
   through the 'Render' button in RDLogEdit and through the command-line
   rdrender(1) utility. See the rdrender(1) man page for details.

   Web API. Many fixes and enhancements to improve operation. See the
   ChangeLog for details.

   Provisioning Support. Added a [Provisioning] section to rd.conf(5)
   with directives to facilitate the automatic provisioning of Rivendell
   instances. See the comments in the [Provisioning] section of the
   sample rd.conf(5) file.

   Various other bug fixes.  See the ChangeLog for details.   
*** snip snip ***

Further information, screenshots and download links are available at:



| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
| When the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the plane, the |
| plane will fly.                                                      |
|                                           -- Donald Douglas          |