On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org> wrote:

@list-lurkers: we've tracked down the sync/silence problem that I am
(was) experiencing. zita-a2j/j2a work just fine with all JACK period
sizes < 1024 (that is 16,..,512); Fons is looking into a fix for that.

Yet another great zita tool in the making. Kudos, Fons.

Indeed these look like great tools. However, is the sync/silence problem fixed in the bugfix release? Running the 0.1.1 release under Arch with jack2-dbus-ladish 1.9.8-3 still produces the same result for me - endlessly repeating "Starting synchronisation" message with no audio. This is from issuing the following command:

zita-j2a -d hw:SB

where hw:SB is a HDA-intel device. Running alsa_out on the same device works fine.
