
Alfs Kurmis wrote:
Hi experts.

I have started my small project - mp3 database for radio.

How do i normalize by peak [not RMS] and trim silences in begin and end of WAV files ?
Silences somewhere in middle of file i wanna leave untouched.
For normalization you can look at normalize [1] (aka normalize-audio on some distributions) it has a --peak option.


[1] http://normalize.nongnu.org/README.html

I wanna in first step detect MAX sample in whole WAV file.
For example we gotta MAX sample 10 000, then Apmliefier_coefficient will be 32 000/10 000 = 3,2 .

In second step i wanna trim silences at begin and below -80 dB [or 2 bit noise]
For this in same file each sample multiple by Apmliefier_coefficient , and see - result is over -80 dB or not.
If not, then first N samples will not written in trimmed file, but first sample that is over -80 dB [in any channel] ,
and all further samples written in new file.
Now we must just follow which sample [in any channel] is over -80 dB.
After write is complete, we can just truncate after last sample that was over -80 dB, and write header.

So far i have found SOX vanna reverse da file for end silence trim, and for each step produce tmp file.

Is here C API , program, script, way to do so what without any temporary files ?

I have written script for normalize, but what ir best way for normalize ?
What about mp3 and ogg  automatic normalize and frames trim ?

Tnx in advance



for i in *.wav; do

 echo "** Check peak for $i **"

  ampl=`sox "$i" -t wav /dev/null stat -v 2>&1`

  wert1="1.1";  wert2=$ampl;
  wahr=$(echo  "$wert1 >  $wert2" | bc)
  if  [ $wahr = 1 ]; then
    echo "  $wert1 > $wert2 , Do Nuthin"
    echo "  $wert1 <= $wert2 , Do process"
    echo "** Amplifying volume by  -=$ampl=-  to fake a normalize   $val.wav  --  $waveaus"
    ampl2=$(echo $ampl*0.9995 | bc -l)
    echo "ampl2 = $ampl2"
    sox -v $ampl2  "$i"  -t wav  "$waveaus"

echo ""



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