What I think Linux audio needs is to combine efforts for professional and regular users.
There seems to be little combined direction in linux audio.
There are several standards, and nobody really seems to care much for them.
And audiodrivers seem to vary in quality, and you can get better results with alternatives less used.
What should be done is, rethink the whole audio signal path/stack with regards to the lowest possible latency. Audio is one of the places, one really cares about low latency. While latency on the linux kernel now, is good enough for most uses, the audio needs rethinking. I tried a brand-new USB Fireface UCX, in classcompliant mode, and it did not work at first, needed a patch,
and then only got 5ms latency. And I have run 0.33 ms with a firewire card. Looking at this from a high-level perspective it seems to be a software problem. On windows, it works without a problem, and with 1ms latency, with the firewire drivers. Linux audio really needs to be as good. And knowing MS engineering, it can easily be better.
What about a professional mixer, used system wide, where you can apply effects, eq, routing etc. Windows does not have this.
And a good plugin standard (atleast 64bit float).
And things need to be quick and easy to use. No uneccesary mouseclicks. Look at Logic audio, maybe 5.5.1 on windows, it can be very fast to use. Later versions on mac are also good, but to be honest, a bit bloated for my tastes, and they also reduced the control rate on some stuff there, which I did not like at all.
And what about trying to establish a universal soundplayback engine, with atleast sampleaccurate timing.
Making a os-level mixer and sequencer, with the features expected by professional, but that also scales to normal users, with a "soundblaster" would be the optimal.