I've been updating many of the software entries on the wiki, trying to find where projects are currently hosted, along with trying to update the dates, versions, and screenshots.
Something that would be useful, at least to me, would be to somehow group the software in a best effort.
For instance, most people would probably not find, say, audacity to be interchangeable with qmidiroute.
Furthermore this approach will hopefully be suggestive of what software works well together.
My proposed first draft categories would be
Scoring and composition
Sequencing and sampling
Routing and input processing
Recording and mixing
So for instance, rosegarden (scoring) can work with zynsubaddfx (sequencing) and pathage (routing) to output something that can go into ardour (mixing/mastering). You could swap out rosegarden for say seq42 here or swap out pathage for qjackctl.
Hopefully an approach like this will help form the cognitive building blocks and organization of the software landscape.