I would say Kluppe. It is a very good looper, especially for working not with recording loops over and over, but for mixing existing loops. It would benefit hugely from adding some basic synchronization to it and time stretching (it already has a beat grid anyway). The author of it seems to be busy and not really interested in further development.
I made on linuxmao.org a glossary for softwares.
You can find the master's page here : http://www.linuxmao.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Glossaire+des+logiciels
When I begun this project, it was a single listing-page with all softs that have a dedicaced page on linuxmao.org, but after watch this first list grown and grown and grown, I decided to cut it on :
1) actual (has an update since january 2009) : http://www.linuxmao.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Liste+des+logiciels+libres+actifs
2) almost-actual (last update between januray 2005 and january 2009) : http://www.linuxmao.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Liste+des+logiciels+libres+moins+actifs
3) museum-section (last update before 2005) : http://www.linuxmao.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=La+section+mus%C3%A9e
there is too a special page with ladpsa/dssi/lv2 plugins and host/protocol : http://www.linuxmao.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Liste+des+greffons
and few others that you can find on these pages.
All of this is in french (enjoy ! ;) )
That being said, if at the begining, i was alone on this work, now it's a team work and we made "software versions surveillance" each month, so, it's up-to-date.
Bye, and happy to hear something who make me thing that reZound can will be reworked/update :D
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