Hi Malte,

So I really don't know what my problem is.  The best way I fan describe what minicomputer is doing is non-deterministic.  The only things it *never* does is work right when I start it, or stop playing notes when I let go, and the only thing it *always* does is randomly jump the volume up or down when I'm not touching anything but notes.  Basically.  I start it up, do "load multi", then "load sound", crank *all* of the volumes up to *max*, connect the midi port to both the synthesizer and the editor, and connect all the outputs to my speakers.  It never makes sound when I do this.  However, when I fiddle around with settings, redo stuff, wait a while, etc, it will usually end up making some sound.  However, I can find *no* pattern as to what causes it to start making sound, and once it doesn't it will never stop, because it seems to be ignoring note off events.  Even stuff like the "morph" wheel doesn't seem deterministic.  I move it to a position, it makes a sound, I move it away, it makes a new sound.  I move it back, it continues to make the new sound.  I move it around a bunch, and I find that it *tends* to make the new sound in one area, and the old sound in another, but it is never certain.

Could you please point me to a dummy walkthrough of exactly what to click in order to get it to make sound, because right now it feels like it's purposely taunting me by behaving erratically.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Malte Steiner <steiner@block4.com> wrote:

from the screenshot I see that you need to crank up the volume, its on the right side. Either the mix vol for the mix output and/or the id vol (individual volume) for the direct voice out and/or the aux channels volumes.

Or you could try to load a multi which should have that settings.

I know a synthesizer should rock out of the box but I played safe with Minicomputer which causes quite some confusion. The dedaults could be better, something for the todo list.



On 16.02.2011 03:36, Jeremy wrote:
It's the latest SVN version.  No changes before I compiled it.

http://i.imgur.com/dbHKk.png is a screenshot.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:29 AM, Malte Steiner <steiner@block4.com
<mailto:steiner@block4.com>> wrote:

   can you send me a screenshot of the editor? maybe its something
   which is obvious to me. Is this the original Minicomputer or some
   changed version?

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