I'm currently modifying the avw.lv2 plugins to use the new extension from lv2: time.
I haven't started to use the new extension just yet, I'm simply migrating my code to this new toolkit.
Most of the code compile well, except the UI classes.
[117/134] cxx: src/vco2_gui.cpp -> build/src/vco2_gui.cpp.63.o
[118/134] cxxshlib: build/src/vco2_gui.cpp.63.o -> build/avw.lv2/vco2_gui.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find nodelete: No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/blablack/src/avw.lv2/build'
Build failed
-> task in 'vco2_gui' failed (exit status 1):
{task 13619920: cxxshlib vco2_gui.cpp.63.o -> vco2_gui.so}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-shared', '-pthread', '-Wl,nodelete', 'src/vco2_gui.cpp.63.o', '-o', '/home/blablack/src/avw.lv2/build/avw.lv2/vco2_gui.so', '-Wl,-Bstatic', '-Wl,-Bdynamic', '-llvtk_plugin1', '-llvtk_ui1', '-lgtkmm-2.4', '-latkmm-1.6', '-lgdkmm-2.4', '-lgiomm-2.4', '-lpangomm-1.4', '-lgtk-x11-2.0', '-lglibmm-2.4', '-lcairomm-1.0', '-lsigc-2.0', '-lgdk-x11-2.0', '-latk-1.0', '-lgio-2.0', '-lpangoft2-1.0', '-lpangocairo-1.0', '-lgdk_pixbuf-2.0', '-lcairo', '-lpango-1.0', '-lfreetype', '-lfontconfig', '-lgobject-2.0', '-lglib-2.0']
I simply don't understand the error, it looks like ld is using nodelete as a filename instead of an argument.
The build system I'm using is waf, and I modified the wscript to use c++11 (which seems to be required by lvtk, and I have no idea if this is related or not).
I admit that I'm completely out of my depth here, so I commited the code onto my svn: