Hi Lars,

2012/9/14 Lars-Erik Helander <lehswe@gmail.com>
I have the same problem and from what I understand, the problem is that the alsa driver for the rpi lacks functionality ( mmap support) required by jack.

I was thinking about writing a new jackd driver backend using the omxlayer available on the rpi, and bypassing alsa, but before doing that I would need to know more about the jackd driver interface and what functions would be required to implement. I am only interested in audio output, so my aim was to limit the driver to the required output functions.

Any help, suggestions or guidance would be most welcome.

Don't know if getting Jack running on the PI would actually be usable for anything, but it'd sure be fun.
I've got one too and to my big surprise I got MusE running on it and playing through an usb midi interface. For audio support jack would be needed, so if you get it working, do tell. :)
