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Daniel Vidal <danielvidalchornet@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/11/4
Subject: Re: [LAD] [Maybe OT] Linux Audio Apps Clasification
To: Raymond Martin <
Thx for answer Raymond
Well... My proposal of categories are just a suggestion to initiate the discussion...
About the number of categories... Not are a direct relation betwen number of categories and submenu groups... These categories are used by the people that design the menu to include (or exclude) apps in the menu groups... I can put together audio players with audio file managers... or not... i can put together secuencers with drum machines... or not... But i need these categories to do this work... I cant make a serious multimedia menu if all apps are only "AudioVideo" apps.
Thx again
2009/11/4 Raymond Martin
On November 3, 2009 01:22:30 pm Daniel Vidal wrote:
> Hi
> I think this post is [OT] but also i think is the apropiate audience...
> I'am now working on making personalized menus for Musix distro. I try to
> do this task using the freedesktop rules, using .desktop files and the
> "Categories" field. This is a real problem. All audio Apps put "AudioVideo"
> tag... and all apps apear together on a single menu option... Mixers merged
> with synths... with DAWs... with virtual keyboards... Well... when the user
> chooses the "multimedia" option of system menu... the submenu have three
> columns of apps... Only a little set of apps put more specific tag like
> "Midi" or "Synthesis"...
> This behavoir can be modified using more "Categories" tags describing
> more closely the app... But this cant be done without the agreement of
> linux apps developers about a clasification...
> I can make a proposal to add some tags?
I can see where you are coming from. The Sound & Video menu on my desktop
(E17) is a mess. Categorizing these better would be nice, but I just cannot
see how you will find a way to break it up that most people will agree with.
For instance, I do not necessarily agree with the categories you suggest,
seems like too many IMO.
I would suggest either using very broad categories (max of 3, 4, for example)
or leaving it alone altogether. Even the other non-audio related menus are
questionable across different desktops. An end user can always edit them
if it bothers them that much.
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