"at the end of the day its nil nil at half time”.
> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:38:34 +0100
> From: tim@quitte.de
> To: adi@drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
> CC: linux-audio-dev@lists.linuxaudio.org
> Subject: Re: [LAD] memory allocation for the real time thread, opinions wanted
> [Adrian Knoth]
> >Iain Duncan <iainduncanlists@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >Hi
> >
> >>- I could pre-allocate a giant list of messages and pluck the data off
> >>that
> >>list when I need to make a new one
> >>- I could pre-allocate a block of memory and allocate off that
> >
> >I'm writing from my phone, so for the sake of brevity, I will only
> >talk about one option you might have missed:
> >
> >Google for "A Study in Malloc: A Case of Excessive Minor Faults - USENIX" by Ezolt.
> >
> >You can instruct your malloc implementation to operate on a
> >previously allocated (and prefaulted) memory pool. free() will then
> >never return the memory to the OS, but back to this memory pool.
> >
> >This way, if you have a rough estimation for your overall memory
> >requirements, you simply allocate it once in a non-real-time context
> >and then use malloc/free at will.
> This, I'm afraid, is an idea with a fair share of issues. It does not
> seem a trivial problem to estimate the total memory needs of a
> reasonably complex application. And even if you can solve this, you
> will find that common malloc implementations (such as the one in
> glibc) protect the heap with mutexes. Regardless of memory
> availability, your real-time thread can always stall in malloc() or
> free() when a heap mutex is found locked by another thread.
> As for the original question, I'd suggest handling the maintenance and
> memory management of large lists of events in low-priority,
> low-frequency threads. These threads periodically feed the realtime
> thread bursts of a small number of events, ahead of time and using
> preallocated FIFO queues which can be of reasonably modest size. (In
> fact, I seem to remember that this approach has been discussed on this
> list recently, if perhaps briefly.)
> Cheers, Tim
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