TiMidity++ Config File ---------------------- (see timidity.cfg(5) for extra details) HTTPproxy is host:port Sets the url_http_proxy_host and _port FTPproxy is host:port Sets the url_ftp_proxy_host and _port mailaddr is something@somethingelse Sets user_mailaddr opt Sets a command line option from the config file dir Add to path list source read config from default Set default instrument name to progbase Sets progbase to for use when processing - in font statements - map statements - in drumset or bank statements - statements (except drumset banks) Also used in some UIs for display map is For tonemaps: sc55, sc88, sc88pro, xg | xgsfx64 For drummaps: sc55drum, sc88drum, sc88prodrum, xgsfx126, xgdrum set_instrument_map( ) When looking up a sample, in , as part of playing a note, use the redirected sample instead. bank Allocate a new tone bank, Make this the current bank drumset Allocate a new drumset bank, Make this the current bank bank { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } bank %font { } { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } drumset { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } drumset 128 { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } See below but only for this statement, it doesn't become current. { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } Applies to the current bank Sets this GUS bank/prog to use the indicated patchfile amp= - amplitude tuning factor note= - set fixed note for this patch (for overriding patch's note value in a drumset, really) pan=

- set pan position (left|-100..center|0..right|100) keep=env - keep sample's envelope keep=loop - keep sample's looping strip=env - remove envelope from sample strip=loop - remove loop from sample strip=tail - cut sample playback after loop comm= - stores as the comment for this in the current bank %font { } { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } %font 128 { amp=, note=, pan=

, keep={env, loop}, strip={env, loop, tail}, comm= } Applies to the current bank Sets this GUS bank/prog to use a patch from a soundfont (use bank 128 for drumset) Trailing options as above. comm Applies to the current bank Stores as the comment for this in the current bank timeout Applies to the current bank Stores as the loop_timeout for this in the current bank altassign { clear } ... Applies to the current drumset It looks (and is doc'd) as if a note_on for any note in the causes any other note in the range to be killed. - { { ... } | - } undef Applies to the current bank Clear name and comment from in the current bank (without a name, the bank is essentially gone) copybank Applies to the current bank Copies to the current bank copydrumset Applies to the current bank (preferably a drumset - but this bank will become a drumset) Copies to the current bank soundfont {remove | {order=, cutoff=, reso=, amp=} } Remove or add a soundfont order= - See below cutoff= - Set default cutoff setting for sf reso= - Set default resonance setting for sf amp= - Set default amplitude tuning for sf (There was a bug, I think, in add_soundfont - if the SFfile was known, all parms were actioned; otherwise only order and amp were.) (Actually, "reso" causes nasty hissing noises, so I can understand it not being wanted...) Order works like this: - " %font" takes priority over order=0 - order=0 takes priority over " " - " " takes priority over order>=1 - then soundfont entries are tried from order=1 upwards (with my fix - was order=1) font exclude { { } } font exclude 128 { { } } Applies to the current soundfont Adds an exclude entry to the current soundfont for or , (-1=any) and (-1=any). The excluded entry won't be used. font order { { } } font order 128 { { } Applies to the current soundfont Adds an order entry to the current soundfont for or , (-1=any) and (-1=any). See soundfont order= above.