Thanks a lot Malte,

However, I'm still having very strange issues with minicomputer.  I copied the presets to .minicomputer.  Now the editor recognizes the presets.  When it gets a program change event it switches the presets, and you can also switch the presets with the gui, and the settings change. However, I don't get any sound coming out!  I'm running jack, I know I've got the audio system set up right, because all other programs work with it.  I've tried connecting to *Every* midi port, and connecting *every* output port to my speakers.  Still no sound.  I've tried every combination of preset changes+channel changes, no luck.  I've opened up kmidimon to verify it's getting the right events: it is.  I've checked the jack messages to see if it's being swamped with xruns (it's getting some, but not enough to be a concern).  I tried changing various   "mix" or "volume" settings on the GUI in combination with all of the above.  Still no luck.

However, one time, in the middle of everything, I got sound.  I think it was after I moved the modulation wheel.  But then it was stuck with the sound on.  It kept playing notes, but would never stop (it was monophonic).  It was as if it was only getting note on commands.  Program changes worked, and it didn't change anything when I switched between channels.  The pitch bend did nothing, neither did the modulation wheel.  I disconnected every port except for the Mix ports, and it still played audio.  So I thought I had it figured out.  I restarted it, and tried to reproduce.  I couldn't.  The mod wheel does nothing.  Nothing I do does anything. Please help me!


On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Malte Steiner <> wrote:

I have been doing some more work recently on the minicomputer port, and
I have a few questions/ problems:

1. I can't get minicomputer to make any sound.  I start the CPU and the
gui up fine, connect them to midi in and audio out in qjackctl, and play
something, and there is no sound.  Are the default settings supposed to
be silent?  If so, what should I change to get some sound?

The default is silent, have you installed the preset sounds and load a multi and / or a preset sound? That should get you started

2. Could you give me a brief explanation of what is controlled by OSC
and what is controlled by MIDI?  Also, there are two different jack MIDI
input ports for the two programs (minicomputer and minicomputerCPU).  Do
these work differently?  How so?

Please consult the minicomputerManual PDF which should clearify all the questions. Midi to the minicomputer alsa port is only for programchanges while to the minicomputerCPU is for midi notes on channel 1 to 8. OSC goes from the gui to the engine for changing the parameters, the OSC messages are explained in the manual.



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