On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Rui Nuno Capela
<rncbc@rncbc.org> wrote:
there's no limitation on lv2.
i think you misunderstood something, but any lv2 host has obvious access
to the audio stream produced by _any_ plugin. how could it be otherwise?
your question seems to pertain on rendering audio that is produced by midi
instrument plugins _faster_than_realtime_ .
i also think you are inferring from qtractor as the sequencer. that's
true: qtractor cannot render midi instruments audio in no other way than
real-time. so that for you to export the whole session (song or project)
you'll have to bounce (record) all midi instruments audio output into spare
audio tracks and then, when all is perfectly realigned to compensate for
round-trip delay, you can mix-down and export all audio tracks into a
single audio file.
theoretically, any jack-midi plugin host can do the faster-then-realtime
trick, thanks to the jack-freewheel mode of operation. alas, qtractor is
not a jack-midi host, although it does the freewheel dance to export audio,
as ardour2 does. speaking of which, ardour3 may well confirm this theory ;)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
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