Arnold, i'm using a2j at the moment, but it only sees 'hw' ports, and not virtual ports, as defined, for example in wineasio. (I configured this for more ports.)

On Feb 20, 2008 11:46 PM, Arnold Krille <> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008 schrieb alex stone:
> An example would be, in the Jackmidi tab, a set of 'JAT ports' (32 input,
> 32 output), and the same in the Alsa tab? (32 input, and 32 output)
> Or is something like this, for multiple midi ports, already available?

What is wrong with a2jmidid? (Don't have an url here...)

It exports all the alsa-midi-ports to jack. With the -e option it even exports
the hardware-ports...

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