> Subject: Re: [LAD] Plugin 1/oct frequency controls (AMS/MCP/VCO)
> From: d@drobilla.net
> To: nickycopeland@hotmail.com
> CC: jef@synthedit.com; linux-audio-dev@lists.linuxaudio.org
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 16:59:03 -0400

> Yes, but as already mentioned, for a modular to be usable a standard is
> required. The analog synths on which this was modeled have such a
> standard. As it turns out, that was based around A as well, just dug up
> by Robin Gareus on IRC:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CV/Gate

> Even volts on A in both schemes.

That is a nice page but it definitely does not advocate any attachment of
semantics (eg, frequency) to any specific voltage. It gives some tables making
voltage comparisons between V/O and H/V using integral values however
these are given as examples of the translations between the two systems
based on the preconfigured generation of a given frequency by an osc.

A modifying voltage carries no reference since it cannot - it is a voltage,
what happens when that voltage is applied to something is not implied in
its value, it never was. Oscillators and filters did have semantics of what
that voltage did which is where the V/O comes from, the reference value
(which Fons describes in his email) is not a function of the modifier.

Regards, nick.
(Dave, as usual I did an inadvertant direct reply, this is copied to the list, apologies).