On 14/10/14 23:18, Filipe Coelho wrote:

On 14-10-2014 22:06, Matthias Kronlachner wrote:
On 14/10/14 11:06, Filipe Coelho wrote:
On 10/13/2014 09:41 PM, Matthias Kronlachner wrote:
On 13/10/14 21:34, Filipe Coelho wrote:
Filipe here (Juce-LV2 wrapper author).

What exactly is the problem with the LV2 UI?
Which hosts have you tested it with?
Does the VST UI work?

Are you using the latest juce-lv2 code as available here?

If you give me a link to the source I'll have a look at it.

Hi Filipe,
thanks for the reply! I am using the latest version of your wrapper, just got it today from your repo.

You find the plug-ins here: https://github.com/kronihias/ambix

Some VST-UIs work, but not all.
Eg. the decoder vst GUI works, but the LV2 version does only show an empty window.
The encoder GUI crashes, might be OpenGL related.
I tested it with Ardour-3.5.403.

Well after building the LV2 code the issue is clear - you do not have proper URIs for the plugins.
LV2 uses URIs to identify plugins, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_identifier

Making the LV2 URI a single plugin name is very wrong and against the spec.
If you don't have a domain you can use "urn:ambix:PLUGIN".
The URI doesn't have to exist on the internet, it's only used locally to identify the plugin.

After setting a proper LV2 URI the UI appears and works as usual [1].

In short, just change the broken JucePlugin_LV2URI macro in your AppConfig.h files for a real URI and it should work.

[1] - http://i.imgur.com/FSqaxn0.png

Thanks Filipe, the UIs do work now.

One things is strange though, if you open the UI and close it several times the GUI moves out of the window.
There seems to be something wrong with the window borders.
Any idea?

Probalby some issue in juce.
Can you link to a screenshot of the issue?

I actually have the same issue when my plugin gets resized in osx. Might be the same problem with Juce.

Here are screenshots:
1st time opened: http://imgur.com/1R5CUaI
2nd: http://imgur.com/7vdThSt
3rd: http://imgur.com/2WfZsg9