"I'm not a game developer, but Unity 3D installed on my system and ran
a version of the the Roll-A-Ball tutorial that I modified so that it
would send OSC messages... This is my first attempt at running an
Arch system, and my wee experiment is about two months old. I'm still
a novice with Arch, and pretty much a novice with Unity 3D. So, when
you say it isn't working, your requirements might be much greater than
mine, but it is working "well enough" to get me started."
"...noted Unity does have a linux build, I've used it to make a demostration game at work..."
"...though I'd rather see more work be put toward the open source Godot engine..."
"As far as I know the Unity3D does work on Linux nowadays. Doesn't mean
I recommend it in any way though.
I really don't know what it is you are after, so it's hard to help."
"I'm not a game developer, but Unity 3D installed on my system and ran
a version of the the Roll-A-Ball tutorial that I modified so that it
would send OSC messages... This is my first attempt at running an
Arch system, and my wee experiment is about two months old. I'm still
a novice with Arch, and pretty much a novice with Unity 3D. So, when
you say it isn't working, your requirements might be much greater than
mine, but it is working "well enough" to get me started."
"...godot already has a fairly sophisticated audio features..."
-------------------------Me again---------------------------------
I didn't met godotengine yet, Thanks.
Already I need to testing better that alternatives.
So, please, give some time to improve my self and test this alternatives because now I'm only exploring alternatives.
anyone want to help me, you are welcome, but I believe that is better
do it by private messaging for don't dirty this forum because I'm
answering because I prefer it than the silence.