Sorry, i messed up the pic links.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 4:19 PM, alex stone <> wrote:
Ok,some more observations.

The first pic is an overview of a Rosegarden midi driven generic orchestral drafting setup. You'll note that RG midi connects to linuxsampler midi fine, as LS midi for this template is Alsa.


The second pic is a closeup of the jackmidi challenges that appear.


To explain:

In an LS template, with Jack as midi, RG will not cable to LS in the above pic. I see this as fairly obvious, as RG midi is alsa, and the A2Jbridge handles the transaction between Alsa, and Jack midi.
Therein lies the challenge.
If you look closely at the system capture ports on the left of the second pic, you'll see midi represented firstly as ports 1-5 (which reflect midi through as 1 port, my first MK midi keyboard as 1 port, and three ports of my second, PCR midi keyboard. I assume this is seen as all "Hardware", and always appear as the primary ports in any system capture midi port list)

After these 5 ports, there's a sudden jump to port 84, and so on from there. As i've opened and closed some apps while lpatchage is still open, i'm assuming here that the port numbers are not reset for each newly started app, but just continue on to next port number in sequence.
In order to accurately reflect the correct Alsa2Jack port number, and using system playback midi ports, i would then have to recount port numbers in the hope that they would accurately correspond to the midi ports reflected in the newly opened app. This may be ok for a template with 4 or 5 ports, but as you can see in the pic, numerous ports present a challenge of cabling, counting, etc...

It's only after a complete restart of all apps, and jackdbus stop/start, that system midi ports, both capture and playback, assume some orderly numerical sequence.
A refresh of lpatchage doesn't produce any change, or reflect the 'new' state of apps, or ports.

The second challenge is LS audio outs to Ardour audio in. These do not appear as cabled. I've set LS audio in to Ardour tracks from within Ardour, they work, but are not shown in lpatchage, even with saving the state of all apps, closing everything, including stopping and restarting Jackdbus, then initiating all apps again. Not such a big problem if, like me, templates tend to stay fairly static, but for someone who relies on constant changes and adjustments, i can see this as a hill to climb.

Not sure if any of the above will help, but it's observations at this time of testing.

Patrick, if you want to use these  pics as well, please do.

The Ardour/Jackdbus stopping challenge is solved, with a reinstall of Ardour. (User error reigns supreme here....)


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
alex stone wrote:
No problem.

I recorded most of the day yesterday, and got 1 xrun with the simple setup in the pic.

I'm not complaining.


p.s. I'm going to give it all a hammering today with Rosegarden, and see if some heavy duty midi trips anything up.

That image is quite beautiful.

Do you mind if I post it on the lau-guide?


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.