On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 5:56 PM Len Ovens <len@ovenwerks.net> wrote:

It shouldn't be that difficult.... unfortunately, pipewire is pretty much
idiot proof.... or good for idiots. I don't say this as a slight against
the PW dev (team?), it is not easy to make things idiot proof while still
being mostly very usable. Just that the design goals don't align so well
with professional audio use all the time.

I dunno... I'm an idiot with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen -- which I idiotically bought on the recommendation that it worked well with Linux -- and every time I start a WebRTC application, or sometimes VLC, it's a crap shoot: Will it give me some sort of weird flanging noise or won't it. When it wacks out, I end up rebooting some random number of times until it decides to work.