On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Igor Brkic
<igor@hyperglitch.com> wrote:
On 19.10.2010 13:11, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
On 10/19/2010 11:20 AM, Matt Henley wrote:
I have found the best way to build ingen is to grab the entire svn tree
( instructions at http://drobilla.net/blog/software/ingen/ )and do a top
level make and make install. Installing the programs piecemeal seemed
to cause problems.
that would be ./waf configure && ./waf && sudo ./waf install
btw, i've just tried to build the entire tree yesterday (on a freshly
installed oS 11.3), and the top-level build process would barf with
python errors (module RDF not found, module "configure" not found).
as this is a new system, i'm not sure if i've botched my python install,
so i haven't filed a ticket with drobilla yet. can anyone confirm it
doesn't build from top-level (or that it does)?
I got the same error. My system is Arch 64bit, Python 2.6.5
I wish I could help... but been in london for a month and computer is back in houston. My machine is running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit and previously was running gentoo and both were working.Make sure you have librdf installed. there is also a python module for rdf.