It depends on what you need to do precisely.

To be clear, the frequency dependant functionality of the noise removal in the windows programs mentioned, only appeared in Adobe Audition (1.5 I believe) after Adobe had purchased Cool Edit from Syntrillium(sp?).  Before that Cool Edit had used only a sampling based process.  And really their frequency based process is only a noise reduction process IIRC, meaning you essentially remove that frequency range for that period of time, I think it is a bit smarter than that, but the basic concept is there.

Al this being said, if there is a crackle, there are some specific algorithms that exist that are _not_ the broadband noise reduction that you seem to be looking for(In other words are specifically for declicking audio), that may be of more benefit.  However in all these areas of restoration, Linux is sorely lacking.  You can try GWC, but I was never impressed by it or Audacity for restoration work.  Sadly if you are depending on restorative work, your best bet is either to use another platform at this time, either another OS or via realtime hardware based solutions like CEDAR if you can afford it.  Alternatively you can attempt to run other plugins/software via WINE on Linux, whcih I have done in the past with mixed results.

But really to my knowledge there are no good native audio restoration tools on Linux.  I am currently using the WaveARTS MR Suite on OS X for this work myself, though since it is machine based authorization(not iLok), and several of their plugins do run on the receptor hardware, it might be worthwhile to try to run it via ArdourVST/Wine and see if it can be run on Linux.  This is on my TODO list as I slowly progress to Linux again full time for production work, but is not something i have had time to do yet.


On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Ivica Ico Bukvic <> wrote:
Hi Mike,

Forwarding this to the list where users and developers might be able to assist.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Van []
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 12:44 PM
Subject: Frequency Space Editors in Linux

Hello Linux Audio,

I just wanted to find out if anyone know of any Linux programs that do sophisticated noise removal from recordings, like the frequency space editing process of Windows programs, Adobe Audition or Cool Edit.  I wondered if there is a plugin for Audacity that might do it.

I need to use something other than standard noise sample removal plugins because the crackle is only present when the music is playing, not present during quiet stretches.



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