Hey all,

I've had a little idea that I think might be worth "implementing". This is it:

Controllers, (in the musical sense like a MIDI controller knob), have always had a certain
"update" period, ie MIDI cable 31250 baud, or from a MIDI file PPQ's etc.. you the the idea.

What if we were to make a "callback-update" system, where the controller (read Arduino with a sensor attached)
runs an OSC server, which whenever gets a  /<arduinoName>/poll  command, returns the value of the sensor?

I appreciate that for this example it would seem pretty pointless, as for 1 controller the overhead is gonna be bigger
than the speed gained of just sending it every X ms. Concider a "big" ardour controller, with moving faders, leds, knobs etc

I think this maybe be a great little system to allow OSC interfaces actually save the CPU some time polling the MIDI I/O subsystem,
and take advantage of the Send -> Return style thing..

Of course to be all fancy, we could register a "send to" address, so many programs can access the same device, and have it only update
the correct program, allowing each program handle the OSC messages however they want to.

Also a /<ardName>/fader ( int ) could be sent for each fader's position,
/ardName/knob(int)  .... you get the idea.

Ideas, responses, you've already done this, etc all welcome! -Harry