@prefix doap: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix hi: . a doap:Project, hi:Host ; doap:name "Zynjacku" ; doap:revision "5.0" ; doap:shortdesc "A host for LV2 Plugins." ; doap:homepage ; doap:bug-database ; doap:license ; doap:developer [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Nedko Arnaudov" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; foaf:mbox ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "0eec3ceb427be759748f6693a6663a0b" ; foaf:homepage ; ] ; doap:developer [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Krzysztof Foltman" ; foaf:mbox ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "335c21a4a6d1b0e8f0295fbf494bc89e" ; foaf:homepage ; ] ; doap:programming-language "C", "Python" ; doap:repository [ a doap:GitRepository ; doap:location ] ; hi:supportsExtension [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] ; doap:description """ Zynjacku is JACK based, GTK (2.x) host for LV2 synths. It has one JACK MIDI input port (routed to all hosted synths) and one (two for stereo synths) JACK audio output port per plugin. Such design provides multi-timbral sound by running several synth plugins. Zynjacku is a nunchaku weapon for JACK audio synthesis. You have solid parts for synthesis itself and you have flexible part that allows synthesis to suit your needs. """ .