2011/9/26 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>:Here is a quick extension for "CV Ports", i.e. audio ports with control semantics: http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/cv-port/Argh.... sorry for not having followed the discussion when it took place, but I have to say I really dislike this extension.
The problem is that it can easily go against the "graceful degrading configuration" concept of LV2. E.g., suppose writing a varispeed plugin that takes the amount of delay as a control input - you will end up writing two versions, one using CV ports and another using normal control ports, if you want to support both kinds of hosts.
IMO it could be better done like this: cv:CVPort to be a subclass of lv2:ControlPort and a feature URI to be defined.