On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Sascha Schneider <ungleichklang@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/1/6 Jeremy <jeremybubs@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 5:31 AM, Sascha Schneider <ungleichklang@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 2011/1/6 Jeremy <jeremybubs@gmail.com>:
>> > Okay, looking at the sources a little more, it seems like all we need to
>> > port is the minicomputerCPU component.  The editor can just be used to
>> > communicate to the plugin using the lv2ExternalUI extension.
>> > Jeremy
>> Not all, .. minicomputer is actually 8 synths on 8 different
>> midichannels all playing one sound monophonic.
>> as LV2 we only need one synth that is polyphonic.
>> Need to ad Midi-Mapping, cause the controllers are hardcoded in the
>> engine.
>> regards, saschas
> So wait, I'm a little confused by this.  Are you saying that the engine is
> composed of 8 copies of the same synth, each being monophonic, but allowing
> you to do polyphony if you redirect the notes to different channels each (so
> each monophonic synth plays a different note)?
> If you want to make something like that polyphonic that would be very easy.
>  You'd just set up a queue of open synth engines.  You could even set the
> polyphony by an option that you could adjust (at the expense of memory).
> So if you're worried about that, don't be worried.  Since it is a Jack app,
> it's already largely in the format we need, you just need to add some
> metadata, and switch around the way it handles MIDI and OSC (well, that's
> the time-consuming part).  As for the GUI, I think since it uses OSC, you
> could just add some metadata and it would work as a LV2ExternalUI (well,
> very minor source code modifications would be necessary).  However, if
> you're interested in designing a new GUI, that would be possible too.
> Jeremy

As far as I understand it,
the engine is file main.c in folder cpu
GUI stuff is located in folder /editor
both communicate with OSC

Yes.  Except it seems that you can select different settings for each of your voices.  This doesn't really make sense if you are automatically assigning the notes to synth engines.  I think perhaps the best way would be to have one set of settings for *all* copies of the synth engine, and if you want different settings, then you'd have to create another copy of the plugin.

so there are somewhere in that code 8 midiports that route the
midinotes to an engine (that I dont's seem to find for my
Now in the UI I see 8 synths each on his own midichannel.
The docs Malte has made say that by using a midirouter I can send one
miditrack to those 8 midichannels at the same time and hear 8 synths
each with his own sound.
Yup, and I'm saying we can just build in that functionality into the plugin.
Bur I don't see (again my lack of codingexperience) in the code the
part, where it says
-> engine 8 voices each is reserved to an own channel
or if the engine is called 8 times, one per synth-tab

I'm not sure what that means either. 
sorry ....
-> en