perhaps someone could write a simple library that takes a midi-key (0-127) as input, as well as a 'scala' mapping and outputs frequency numbers? rather than every project reimplementing the same idea.
having written this, you all probably think it is obvious anyway, so i'll keep quiet :)
Aaron Johnson wrote:
> ... after having located the code snippet in whysynth that creates a
> standard 12-equal tuning array, called 'y_pitch', as factors relativeI'd like to second Aaron's proposal/request. Support for Scala files
> to 440HZ (A440), and indexed by MIDI note numbers. I wonder, how easy
> would it be to make this table dynamic and subject to for example,
> loading a SCALA .scl file, or at least, a user defined array which can
> be loaded from a dialog box?
should be standard in all software synthesizers. It seems a bit
ludicrous to fix intonation at 12-tone ET when the medium is capable of
any intonation desired.
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