I've been working with large lscp files, over a hundred .idfs for muse 2, etc, for sometime now, and i'm pretty well knackered from manually creating large monolithic instrument config files of some sort or another, for the same sample library set, across apps.

I propose the following, and i'm wiling to put some money in someone's pocket for this:

A simple app (CLI is ok but GUI based preferred) that:

1) automatically converts lscp files containing single or multiple midi instrument maps into individual midnam files.

2) automatically converts muse2 .idf files into midnam files.

3) converts midnam files into muse2 .idf files

Obviously needs to work properly, and create correct ( auto app checked) midnam and .idf files.

App needs to be opensource (obviously), and public, for those other poor souls who have to struggle with large instrument files, particularly those using large sample libs with copious articulations per instrument, and for whom automation of these excruciating data processing tasks would save massive amounts of time and effort.

Thanks, and if you're interested, contact me privately,

Alex Stone.