On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:42 AM, Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@vtxnet.ch> wrote:
I know these papers, they are just a part of the story. Evans and other
scientists refuted them all. We can find them in the rebuttals section
of http://www.atomicprecision.com/Community/content.html

Several of which rebuttals have been counter-rebutted. Wow .. sounds like ... science, no?

> Compare and contrast for interesting sociological effect, if you
> will, to the treatment received by Galileo.

Evans was not killed, I know that. On the other hand, the UN said it
is more than enough food on earth for every one, and that 35 millions of
peoples are staving to death each single year. [ .. more stuff ... ]

even though I might agree with almost every single sentence you wrote, the overall effect here is to make me feel sorry for you. Maybe I'm just too old.