I use Fons' JAAA for this. It has a "freeze" button, so when you hear a low note, you'll see it, then hit freeze, then there's peak analysers that you can place on the display, and it'll tell you its Hz (and estimate a note). dB can be read right off the Y axis.
It doesn't analyse the whole song as such, but it'll get you going. Small post on DnB production / mastering, uses JAAA for visualizing the audio: http://openavproductions.blogspot.ie/2012/02/dnb-production-mastering-eq.html
Cheers, -Harry
Is there a Linux program out there that i can throw a wave file at that
will tell me what the lowest and highest frequencies are in it, where
they are and at what dB they occur?
I was listening to some dubstep today and wondering how low it really
went. I would bet that most of the "bassy" music i have doesn't even go
below 30 hz.
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