Apologies for cross-posting.

We are pleased to announce the release of version 5.15.  The sources
are on the standard Sourceforge location
as both zip and tar.gz

Platform packages will follow shortly, and the manual on Friday.
==John ffitch
Notes for 5.15

New parser has been subjected to a great deal of work.  It now has
better checking of argument types and use, better diagnostics and
increased functionality.  We have only reached this stage in the last
few days so we judge it prudent to leave the old parser as standard.
We would be pleased if more users tried the new and gave the
developers feedback.

A major reorganisation means that there are many fewer plugins and
most opcodes are in the base (about 1250 of them).  A side effect of
that is that leaving old plugins from an earlier release is a
disaster, and so 5.15 will not load earlier plugins.

The multicore system is now safe (ie maintains semantics) when zak,
channels or table modification are made.

New Opcodes:
        ftab2tab transfers between ftables and t-variables
        tab2pvs   tsig - pvs conversion
        pvs2tab   pvs - tsig conversion
        cpumeter-- not really new but now available in OSX
        (EXPERIMENTAL) ftresize and ftresizei allow resizing of
            existing tables.   These will be permanent if the
            community feel they are useful.
        minmax opcodes
        hrtfearly, hrtfreverb opcodes

New Gen and Macros:
        Code to allow GEN49 to be deferred [NB does not seem to work]

Modified Opcodes and Gens:
        socksend and sockrecv no longer uses MTFU check and work on Windows
        mpulse changed so if next event is at negative time use the absolute value
        serial opcode now runs on Windows as will as Un*x
        out, out2, outq, outh, outo outx and out32 are now identical
            opcodes and will take up to as many arguments as nchnls.
            This replaces the current remapping of opcodes
        turnoff2 now polymorphic wrt S and k types (ie accepts instrumnet names)


Bugs fixed:
        GEN42 fixed
        jacko: fixed a segfault removing the unused JackSessionID option
        doppler memory leak fixed
        transegr fixed in release mode when skipping most of envelope
        FLPack now agrees with manual
        max_k now agrees with manual
        hrtfreverb fixed
        atsa code now works on Windows in more cases
        tabmorph bug fixed
        fixed problem with user-defined opcodes having no outputs
        Various fixes to * ... */ comments

System Changes:
        Various licence issues sorted       
        Loris is no longer part of the Csound tree
        Memory leaks fixed
        If no score is given a dummy that runs for over 100 years is
        All score processing takes place in memory without temporary
        String memory now expandable and no size limitation
        #if #else #end now in new parser
        Adjustments to MIDI file precision in output
        On OSX move from Coreaudio to AuHAL
        Multicore now safe for ZAK, Channels and modifying tables
        New coremidi module
        Virtual Keyboard improved:
                1) Dropdown for choosing base octave (the one that
                starts with the virtual key mapped to physical key
                Z). Default value is 5 which is backwards compatible.  
                2) Shift-X mappings which add two octaves to X
                mappings for a total of 4 octaves playable from the
                physical keyboard (starting from selected base octave). 
                3) Control-N / Control-Shift-N mappings to increment
                / decrement slider for control N.
                4) Mouse wheel now controls sliders.
        tsig type for vectors
        tsigs and fsigs allowed as arguments in UDOs

    Minor version upped

    Very, very, very many!

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie