Hello Thijs,

I think you might be under the impression that FFADO MIDI and ALSA MIDI are roughly the same, they're not...
FFADO is a backend that you can run JACK on top of. If you run JACK with the FFADO as the "driver", then JACK will be able to send MIDI commands to your Saffire. ALSA MIDI is a totally different "MIDI".
The upside: There's a program "a2jmidi" which will put all your ALSA MIDI ports into the JACK MIDI graph, then you can connect any ALSA MIDI out to JACK MIDI in, and vice versa.
"a2jmidid" is the name of the package on debian based systems.

Running is usually most benificial like so:
a2jmidid -e &
so that it keeps scanning the ALSA MIDI graph for changes, and will update the JACK MIDI ports available.

Good luck! -Harry

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:57 PM, thijs van severen <thijsvanseveren@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all

i'm trying to use 'amidi' to send a simple midi message to the midi out port of my firewire (FFADO backend) audio device. a Saffire LE.
to do this i simply need to specify the port i want to send the data to, however i can only select one of the ALSA midi devices listed under /dev/snd/ and the firewire midi ports are all Jack midi ports and thus not listed here.
but where are these listed ? 
or should i be doing things differently ?


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