On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:44 AM, <karl@aspodata.se> wrote:

Why don't you prototype it with netcat:

 Terminal 1:
$ nc -u -l -p  4000 localhost

 Terminal 2:
$ nc -u localhost 4000

Instead of two terminals, use two computers and write a sender and
a receiver program, and start debugging.

as powerful as some unix prototyping tools can be, just stop for a second.

although i'd be the first person to suspect stupid financial motivations behind the proliferation of audio-over-(ethernet|IP) solutions, do you really think that if delivery low latency audio streams was even remotely achievable with a tool like netcat that we would have seen the emergence of special network interfaces and completely new ethernet-level protocols?

audio-via-cat5 cable isn't a new problem, waiting for the right solution. it is an old problem with at least a half dozen solutions each with different pros and cons.