To be honest, Ill agree with you there that the OSC details seem a little more vague (or "expandable"... whatever we call it).
I found looking at what Ardour done to handle its OSC stuff useful, but im not sure that's the "PC" way to do it... Ardour guys..?

On the other hand, because its so much more understandable to use, I could set up my own OSC message translator
in minutes, while if I was trying to suss out MIDI CC's & Program changes, Id be pulling hair out of my head. That may be
specific to me though, I'm don't have that much experience with Hardware MIDI stuff.

In Response to Olivier's:
To be honest, I am very confused about the idea that OSC is some kind of MIDI
successor. The MIDI protocol is a rather defined, with notes, CC, etc..