> For my small multimedia audio project i wanna use mplayer as external
> decoder.
> As usually via pipe , for example so
> mplayer  -af resample=44100:0:1,channels=2,format=s16le  -ao
> pcm:nowaveheader:file=/dev/stdout -quiet -really-quiet  'saund_file.ext'  |
> nextprog -options ...

you're just resampling and reformatting?

> Is here another decoder progs/libs with easy-to-use C API ?

sndfile-resample and sndfile-convert can both be given "-" as the name
of their output or input. they are much simpler programs that mplayer
and will also likely do a better job.


af resample=44100:0:1,channels=2,format=s16le
is not so imoprtant, because most  files already are 44k stereo S16LE
If some sound files are not 44k stereo S16LE, they are just forced -to-be- 44k stereo S16LE .

Impotrant is gotta decoded RAW data (and only RAW data) to STDOUT,
and not any messages mixed with RAW data !
mplayer  - -ao pcm:nowaveheader:file=/dev/stdout -quiet -really-quiet  'saund_file.ext'  |  nextprog -options ...

Problem is that ,for example mpg123 any messages put to stderr, so that with option -s we gotta pure RAW to stout,
but mplayer put all messages to stout

