Hello Experts.

Is here library with C  #include headers for so what ?

How can i gotta info about  Wav, mp3, ogg, m4a, wma [wmv] ... files
SampleRate, Channels, PlayLen( in samples ), bytesPerSample , bitrate, VBR ... ,
and after i gotta this info , decode em to RAW stream ?
At least i need everything about Wav, mp3, ogg.

Info about sound file should not  be printf()'ed to stdout , but must be filled in info structure.
Decoder library should have functions - loadFile, Play, SeekToSample , Stop.
At least possibility - play file from sample or second.part .

Or should be used 2 libs, one for gotta info and one for decoding ?

Any C example and pointer welcomed.
Tnx in advance @ all.
Alfs Kurmis
