On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Filipe Coelho <falktx@gmail.com> wrote:
On 10/11/2013 03:08 PM, Robin Gareus wrote:
In any case, external UI's should be avoided if possible, there are very
few valid use-cases. Just use a 'normal' LV2 UI or let the host generate
I'm sorry, but I have to ask - what is for you a "normal" LV2 UI?

Some might say Gtk2 or Qt4 or X11 on Linux, but things are changing fast that will not allow this.
Gtk3 UIs will not work on Gtk2 hosts, with the same regarding Qt4 and Qt5 (and vice-versa).
Then don't forget we're moving to Wayland and/or Mir...

Current Qt5 release (as of 5.2) doesn't provide a way to embed widgets afaik, like the Qt4's QX11Embed/Container.

In my case (of Carla 2.0), I'm moving away from having *any* toolkit code in the backend except "native" UIs (Linux being X11 for now).
This means UIs that use some toolkit (Gtk2/3, Qt4/5, FLTK, etc) and need instance-access will not work.

indeed, the situation is deeply messed up. one conclusion if you care about platform portability is to use GL, but even there, the different implentations of GL even just on Linux can cause significant headaches. PUGL which is a part of drobilla's stack is an attempt to provide a minimal, fully portable subset of GL that a plugin could use on any platform, with any video driver.
