Le 2024-08-16 à 05 h 19, Fons Adriaensen a écrit :

- Terminate wireplumber.

The ports remain at both sides, but everything is disconnected. 
But when I reconnect them, things still work.

The disturbing part here is that terminating wireplumber also
removes the PW:playback_FL -> Jaaa:in_1 connection on the Jack
side. That should definitely NOT happen. 

I tried using jnoise. In my case, the connection is removed when I restart wireplumber.

So wireplumber is doing something that makes the ports 
appear. So the next questions are: what it is doing, and
can the same be done without wireplumber.

It looks like wireplumber is an integral part of pipewire.

(rant alert)

This system is adding to the complexity of the Linux audio stack. Even the syntax of config files is different.
