I need lossless JACK MIDI networking outside of JACK's built-in networking, and not multicast unless someone can tell me straightforwardly how to get multicast (qmidinet) to run within localhost as well as outside it. Thus I am thinking of trying my hand at using the Mido library to bridge JACK MIDI and TCP. I have never done this sort of coding before, programmatorially I am mostly a deep scripting guy, Python-heavy with a bunch of Bash on Linux, Powershell-heavy on Windows of late, with a pile of history on back in Perl on both and VBA on Windows. Anyone have hints...suggestions...alternatives...a best or better starting place? Right now I don't want the applets to do GUI at all, I just want them to sit quietly in xterms, on JACK servers, keeping connection, and passing MIDI data to and fro, as other processes and devices bring it.
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