On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Fons Adriaensen <fons@kokkinizita.net> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 01:48:12PM +0100, Anders Dahnielson wrote:

> Unfortunately I've not been able to compile JConv or

What problem do you have with compiling jconv ?

After emerging clthreads and zita-convolver and the other dependencies on Gentoo Linux (thanks to the pro-audio overlay) and the proceed to compile jconv manually, giving me this:

$> make
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o jconv.o jconv.cc
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o config.o config.cc
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o jconfig.o jconfig.cc
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o jclient.o jclient.cc
g++ -L/usr/local/lib64 -o jconv jconv.o config.o jconfig.o jclient.o  -lzita-convolver -lfftw3f -lsndfile -lclthreads -ljack -lpthread -lrt
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o fconv.o fconv.cc
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o fconfig.o fconfig.cc
g++ -L/usr/local/lib64 -o fconv fconv.o config.o fconfig.o -lzita-convolver -lfftw3f -lsndfile -lpthread -lrt
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o mkwavex.o mkwavex.cc
mkwavex.cc:30: varning: konvertering från strängkonstant till "char*" bör undvikas
g++  -O3 -Wall -MMD -MP -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"  -c -o impdata.o impdata.cc
impdata.cc: In member function "int Impdata::sf_open_read(const char*)":
impdata.cc:264: fel: "SFC_WAVEX_GET_AMBISONIC" deklarerades inte i detta definitionsområde
impdata.cc:264: fel: "SF_AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT" deklarerades inte i detta definitionsområde
impdata.cc: In member function "int Impdata::sf_open_write(const char*)":
impdata.cc:306: fel: "SFC_WAVEX_SET_AMBISONIC" deklarerades inte i detta definitionsområde
impdata.cc:306: fel: "SF_AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT" deklarerades inte i detta definitionsområde
make: *** [impdata.o] Fel 1

(sorry about the error messages in Swedish)



Output from uname -a:

Linux monolith 2.6.23-gentoo-r3 #2 SMP Sun Jan 20 16:23:51 CET 2008 x86_64 Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Anders Dahnielson