Hi Sascha,

I found the AlsaModularSynth to be a great sounding "analog-ish" modular synthesizer with a very direct and very usable interface.

I don't quite understand your vision just yet. Is the idea basically to write an attractive and usable GUI for an existing synth (engine)?

On 2 January 2011 21:47, Julien Claassen <julien@c-lab.de> wrote:
Hello Sascha!
 I'm not good at coding at all, but I think a more useable framework for a softsynth, if you like to build it with an existing one, might be bristol. Bristol is a synth emulator. It has a couple of synths already. But it might not suffer, having a new filter or different oscillator in it, if Nick is OK with that. The synths it emulates, are basically built from the components (filters, oscs, etc.), that are in the engine. Then they are connected in a particular way and get a GUI/CLI put on top of them. Bristol has, what I would call MIDI learning. You can easily assing MIDI controls to controls of the currently loaded synth and I think you can save them as well. Have a look at his site:
 The sweet thing about using this would be, that you have to implement the new components and then there is an API - so I believe - for relatively easily constructing the connections and the <UIs. I know only of the textUI, which is very clever and helpful!
 Kindly yours

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