On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 6:15 PM, karthik poduval <karthik.poduval@gmail.com> wrote:
You could also use a jack_rigbuffer_t, its lock free and hence should be RT thread safe.
You could write a known msg into the ring buffer from the RT thread, receive the msg from non real-time thread and do event passing from there.

Nope. the poster is looking for a way to notify a different thread that it would be worth checking out the contents of a ringbuffer.

There are only two ways to do this: either wake the other thread regularly based on a timer, and hope that the chosen interval and accuracy are enough to keep the buffer (empty|full) OR wake the other thread as needed. this second option requires some sort of communication channel to the thread to wake it, which could be (on linux) any of a pthread_condvar, a semaphore, a FIFO/pipe, and eventfd, etc. etc.