On Jan 27, 2008 6:10 PM, Forest Bond <
forest@alittletooquiet.net> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 02:29:33PM +0100, Marek wrote:
> Note the the GPL is an extremely restrictive license(to the advantage of the
> copyright holder), and numerous articles have been published, and numerous
> statements from various companies have been issued regarding this very issue.
This is FUD, plain and simple. What, do you work for Wasabi [1][2], or
FUD for who? For those who make profit out of work of others? Are you also making money out of work of others?
If so then this is FUD for you indeed. If you are a copyright holder then you should know how the GPL protects your work.
> For example have a look at the intepretation which you can find directly below
> the terms of GPL: This General Public License does not permit incorporating
> your program into proprietary programs.
...a clause which is totally unrelated to your original point, which it lends no
It's totally related, you should read the original mail again.