On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 7:50 PM, rosea grammostola <rosea.grammostola@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 4:54 PM, torbenh <torbenh@gmx.de> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 07:41:35PM +0100, rosea grammostola wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 7:04 PM, torbenh <torbenh@gmx.de> wrote:
> >
> > hi...
> >
> > jacksession stuff is merged into jack1 svn.
> >
> > here is a rough explanation what needs to be done for apps to support
> > it: http://trac.jackaudio.org/wiki/WalkThrough/Dev/JackSession
> >
> > please let me know what is unclear.
> >
> When will it hit jack2?

paniq said he wanted to implement it for jack2.

> What are your plans for an session manager, cause so far it's only the API
> right? I mean, you wouln't implement this api if there where not plans for
> making a real great session manager, right?

i have a sessionmanager i used for testing.

git clone git://hochstrom.endofinternet.org/pyjacksm.git

it doesnt have a gui yet. only a commandline interface.
that said, jsweeper has a gui for it.



And can you explain what you want with your SM?

What is the philosophy behind it, what do you want to achieve with it, what should a user be able to do with it? Which apps are expected to support it and what it the expectation in general about the support in apps for you SM? Why do you think this SM will be an success?

Thanks in advance,
