< ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
< Od: krgn <k.gebbert(a)gmail.com>
< Předmět: Re: [LAT] build ALSA debian way
< Datum: 07.10.2008 04:26:20
< ----------------------------------------
< On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:18 PM, Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes(a)seznam.cz> wrote:
< >
< > < ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
< > < Od: krgn <k.gebbert(a)gmail.com>
< > < Předmět: Re: [LAT] build ALSA debian way
< > < Datum: 07.10.2008 03:28:09
< > < ----------------------------------------
< > < On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Jaromír Mikeš
< > wrote:
< > <
< > < > Hi,
< > < >
< > < > I've compiled new kernel for me which seems to
have a
< > bug in
< > < > builded alsa modules (RME Digiface,Multiface).
< > < >
< > <
< > < yes that bit me too :)
< > <
< > <
< > < >
< > < >
< > < >
< > < > I would like to upgrade alsa modules from 1.0.15 wich coming with
< > kernel
< > < > source to 1.0.17
< > < > I already builded new kernel without alsa modules and now I would
< > to
< > < > build alsa from source.
< > < > I am using debian based distro so make a debian package would be
< > for
< > < > me.
< > < >
< > < > Is there any way how to do it?
< > < > I didn't found any new howto which I dare to follow.
< > < >
< > <
< > < use module-assistant. you'll need the headers/sources for your
< > < installed too.
< > <
< > < aptitude install module-assistant build-essentials
< > <
< > < then
< > <
< > < module-assitant to build and install debs for alsa and co.
< > <
< > < k
< > <
< > Thanks for answer,
< > actually I have already installed these packages and I've stopped on
< > module-assitant.
< > I was run:
< > #cd /alsa-driver-1.0.17
< > #m-a prepare alsa-driver-1.0.17
< >
< > It seems to run well.
< >
< > Now I am trying:
< > # m-a build
< > No package specified. STOP.
< >
< > I've tryed put some name for package:
< > #m-a build alsa-modules
< > alsa-modules, what is alsa-modules?
< >
< > Sorry for newbie like question, but reading man pages doesn't helps.
< >
< I think it should be:
< m-a build alsa-source
< if you have bash completion enabled it should show on typing the first
< couple of letters and pressing Tab
< cheers,
< k
Thanks for help,
I've got some error messages on the end of process, which I've saw quite often in
last days.
There is probably some bug. My errors are very similar to that in report.