robert lazarski wrote:
There is some
bug in vmpk triggered when Rosegarden connects and
disconnects its ports, that renders vmpk input unusable. Please fill a
bug report in vmpk tracker, so I will keep you informed when it is fixed.
Meanwhile, here is temporal recipe.
I got that to work, thanks! Here's the bug report:…
Thanks! Fixed now. Available a new release 0.2.3
2008-11-30 0.2.3
* fix for bug #2364787 Rosegarden renders vmpk input unusable
* optimization for Linux: do not create an ALSA queue
I've uploaded new source and openSUSE RPM packages.
Displaying more than one pianola channel and having
all 88 keys fit in
one screen would be nice, but vpmk looks promising and I'm going to
try working with it and see how I can get,
Menu: Edit->Preferences. Set "Number of octaves" to 8 and also "Base
to 2 or less. With so many keys in the screen the size of the keyboard shall
decrease accordingly. About the other question: you can run more than one
instance of the program at a time, but I think it is not very comfortable.
Maybe you want to open some feature requests at SourceForge? ;-)
BTW: everybody is welcome to contribute with feedback, bug reports, feature
requests, code, patches, ohloh stack entries, comments...