
Great idea Rosea! I have some suggestions you might concider?

- The downloads are quite big, for those with slower internet, at least warn that X GB will be downloaded?
- Perhaps see if a GUI can be incorperated, perhaps a Python application? (I volunteer to help on this if needed.)
- In the GUI we could ask the user "what" part of all of the resources they want, ie: maybe not all want both Salamander & the Mastro Concert Grand pianos...

Just a question, one of the resources mentiones:
"If you want to include any of these soundfonts in a distribution or collection of soundfonts or similar, you must get my permission"
Would the list concider a script to download things a collection? Or similar? Ie: Would each downloader need to contact the owner?

Cheers, and once again, fabulous idea! I find im always losing some samples / something small when reinstalling, this script would clear that up for once & for all. -Harry

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:48 PM, rosea.grammostola <rosea.grammostola@gmail.com> wrote:

I made a script to download free audio data which may be useful on your linuxaudio desktop.

* I tried to 'echo' credits and copyrights as much as possible, all though it should be improved in some areas as well I think (contributions are welcome).

* I didn't check if the folder structure made by the script is right, you may find data in unexpected places... (improvements are welcome)

* I ran a previous version of this script myself. I didn't run the script as it is now...

* There is probably more interesting free audio data available which should fit nicely in the script (contributions are welcome!)

* Use at your own risk



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